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Original price was: $25000.Current price is: $12500.

PicoSure laser skin resurfacing is a safe non-surgical procedure that diminishes the appearance of skin imperfections:

  • Acne Scars
  • Brown spots
  • Fine lines
  • Freckles
  • Melasma
  • Pigmented Lesions
  • Stretch marks
  • Wrinkles
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Creating an intense photothermal impact in trillionths of a second, PicoSure’s advanced technology spares the skin high thermal damage and targets the chromophore for better clearance in fewer treatments.

  • Optimally targets melanin to treat a range of pigmentary conditions
  • Incurs minimal thermal damage due to picosecond pulse duration
  • Customizable treatments with 2-6mm, 8mm, and 10mm spot sizes
  • Proven clinical validation, with 26 publications and 59 abstracts to date

PicoSure makes tattoo removal even easier. The 755nm wavelength is able to target black, blue, and green tattoo inks, while the optional 532nm wavelength offers effective treatment of “sunset colors”—red, yellow and orange—which are typically hard to correct. You’ll also be able to:

  • Tailor treatments using variable spot sizes
  • Use boost mode to better treat recalcitrant tattoos with shortened pulse width
  • Treat black ink in darker skin type patients using the 1064nm delivery



  • Quickly surpassing traditional lasers in terms of effective tattoo removal because it’s faster, more effective, and more affordable.
  • The procedure uses picosecond technology to deliver short bursts of energy into the skin, effectively breaking the ink into tiny particles for the body to process.
  • Compared with traditional Q-switched lasers, PicoSure has more power to eradicate stubborn, old, previously-treated tattoos.
  • Bonus points: PicoSure is gentler on the body (it doesn’t affect the surrounding skin) and comes with almost no downtime or side effects.

How Does PicoSure Work?

Unlike traditional lasers, PicoSure laser tattoo removal works by delivering short bursts of PressureWaveTM technology at a wavelength of either 532 nm, 755 nm, or 1064 nm, depending on the treatment. Compared with traditional Q-switched lasers (at one time the most popular laser technology for removing unwanted tat’s), the PicoSure laser doesn’t rely on heat or burning to melt away tattoos.

Instead, it uses rapid, short pulse energy, called Picosecond technology, to penetrate the tattoo colors and break them up. The patented PressureWaveTM is more hyper-focused than regular lasers’ nanosecond technology. The pulse width used in this picosecond laser is 100 times shorter than a nanosecond, which triggers a photomechanical effect and improves the results of the removal process.

Essentially, the PicoSure treatment shoots this advanced laser into the ink that breaks it into tiny particles that are similar to dust. These particles are then absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system and eliminated naturally. Compared with traditional nanosecond lasers, picosecond lasers require fewer treatments and are more likely to get rid of the most stubborn inks.

PicoSure laser skin resurfacing is a safe non-surgical procedure that diminishes the appearance of skin imperfections:

  • Acne Scars
  • Brown spots
  • Fine lines
  • Freckles
  • Melasma
  • Pigmented Lesions
  • Stretch marks
  • Wrinkles
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